<span class="hpt_headertitle">About</span>


Welcome to See It With Your Own Eyes

Oh hello friend.

First of all, thank you (yes you!) for checking us out. Please allow my to introduce myself. My name is Christine, the creator of this here website.

SIWYOE was first created when my boyfriend and I irresponsibly decided to quit our jobs and travel around South East Asia for a year. It was one of the most amazing things I have ever done & I will tell anyone who will listen to go and do it. To get out there and see it with your own eyes… ahhhh now you get it.

I used this platform as a way to document our trip, share itineraries, as well as tips and advice about being on the road. You can check out all of this content here.

I really fell in love with blogging & having my own creative platform. Trouble is, once we returned home, I felt like I didn’t really have anything to write about that would be a good fit. Yes, I see how stupid that is now, it’s my site & I can damn well write about whatever I want.

Anyway. We’re here in 2020 (no comment) and like most of the world, I had some more time on my hands to think. I thought about what I really enjoy about travelling & seeing the world. The answer was easy, I’m a nosy MF and I like to see how others live. And with that, I decided to rehash SIWYOE as a way to spread my learnings amongst other things.

Because knowledge is power & I really believe that no amount of information, is too much information. So, I hope that you will join me on my journey to discover everything I can about the The World & the people living on it. 

Christine x o x o

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